6 things I learned from my puppy (Dec 6 – 12)

  • A two coat dog will likely need a harness that makes it easy to hook in their leash. (This one made a huge difference for us).
  • They will not always eat, sleep, play or pee the way you want them to. It’s up to us to show them what’s acceptable and what’s not.
  • She’s 3 months and 1 week old today (Dec 12). We’re getting a bit closer to her sleeping through the night.
  • This is prime time for puppy socialization in many different ways:
    • because we’re in a pandemic and lockdown for four weeks, we’re doing what we can to get her to meet new people and dogs. We’re going to be trying out drop off puppy socialization next weekend.
    • the garbage truck was a new experience this week as we went for a short walk.
    • giving a bit more leeway with her to meet the cats in a way that makes sense. Our cats are old and have zero issues showing her where the boundaries are. She’s learning quickly.
    • watching other dogs going on walks and not reacting.
  • We’ve started more formal puzzle games with her. She finished the first intermediate one in under 5 minutes and is trying another intermediate one that is slightly harder. A snuffle mat is on the way.
  • She panics when she’s ready to go to the bathroom. Someone may equate the sound with separation anxiety (which has gotten a LOT better). She has developed strong bathroom habits.

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