6 things I learned from my puppy (Dec 6 – 12)

A two coat dog will likely need a harness that makes it easy to hook in their leash. (This one made a huge difference for us). They will not always eat, sleep, play or pee the way you want them to. It's up to us to show them what's acceptable and what's not. She's 3 months and 1 week old today (Dec 12). We're getting a bit closer to her sleeping through the night. This is prime time for puppy...

Seven Things I Learned From My Puppy (Nov 22-28, 2020)

Our puppy has officially been part of our lives for two weeks. She's a beautiful, exhausting, cloud of fluff that needs to go outside every few hours. 1) She drinks more water than I do. Seriously. I need to do better.2) The world is amazing as soon as chicken is involved. 3) Sleep is important. 4) Running around in the snow is incredible.5) Small noises are so cute. 6) Patience is a skill, not...
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