February’s Money Moment

I’ve always struggled a bit with money. I’ve swung between being a spender or a saver. Finding balance and staying in budget with certain items has been an incredible struggle for me. Food is my big budget-buster. I love eating garbage food when I’m stressed. I love the convenience, I love the saltiness, the sweetness. I’m addicted. Have been forever. This year, I’m trying to get through that. Finding little things that can help with curbing the desire and showing me a yummier side of life.

What Happened in February?

In February, we had some good moments and, not so good moments. That’s life!

-Feb 4th: Today, I learned the consequence of being bit. One of my cats bit the other and it cost us quite a bit of worry, plus a trip to the vet. I tend to find moments like this stressful, running through whether or not taking care of this life business is going to affect taking care of my work business. Thankfully, I have a great boss and team who really cares about providing the time to work through the life moments. When I get into these stressful days, I usually end it with pizza. Or some other convenient, calorie-rich combination. Today, I made a choice to not overspend. For me, this is huge. I’m okay with overspending. I’m okay with justifying my wants with stress as a reason for using my limited resources. I didn’t even ask my husband (who loves me enough to give in most days). Boom.

-Out of our all budget lines, 25% were over budget. That’s a win! 1.4% improvement from January.

-We had a budget for all our expenses in February, meaning we know where our money is going and have a pretty good idea of what we spend on.

-We were able to put over $800 towards our investments.

-We started saving to make a lump sum payment on our mortgage principle. Our aim is to be completely debt free before 40.

That was our February, money-wise. I’m so incredibly proud of us and our use of this resource. I am thankful we have the skills to handle our money in a way that works for us.

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