Podcast Transcript – Episode 8 – Remain Vigilant

According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Psychology Today explores a bit around why this happens and has a list of four common sticking points, ones that you can improve on: 

  1. Your goals aren’t clear
  2. You feel overwhelmed
  3. You feel discouraged
  4. You’re not ready to change

Which ones of these are you feeling right now? 

Gentle Reminders is a place where we accept that all of us get these feelings and that motivation isn’t a steady stream. It is the practice of discipline that really keeps us going. 

I read a lot of self-help books, to a point where I have to remind myself that I enjoy other kinds of books. I really enjoy reading from perspectives that I could never have, but share some common link with. For our quote today, I’ll be reading from Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual by Jocko Willink. Willink spent most of his adult life with the US Navy SEALS. The link to me is that experience in the military system. I was in the cadet world as a kid, so I was never in a place where my life may be on the line. I was taught the discipline, the camaraderie of going through tough tasks, the ability to exist within a hierarchy, and how to lead – all skills that have translated into my adult life. Since I haven’t been a part of a military system for some time, Willink’s book reminded me of the principles that underline any practice of discipline. 

Remain Vigilant

It wasn’t in a war.

It wasn’t in a battle.

It isn’t in a melee of fire and destruction that most of us succumb to weakness.

We are taken apart, slowly.

Convinced to take an easier path.

Enticed by comfort.

Most of us aren’t defeated in one decisive battle.

We are defeated one tiny, seemingly insignificant surrender at a time that chips away at who we should really be.

It isn’t that you wake up one day and decide that’s it; I am going to be weak.

No. It is a slow incremental process.

It chips away at our will – it chips away at our discipline.

We sleep in a little later. 

We miss a workout, then another.

We start to eat what we shouldn’t eat and drink what we shouldn’t drink. 

And, without realizing it – one day, you wake up and you have become something that you never would have allowed. 

Instead of strong – you are weak.

Instead of disciplined – you are disorganized and lost.

Instead of moving forward and progressing – you are moving backward and decaying.

And those things happen without you seeing them

Without you recognizing them.


You have to BE VIGILANT. You have to be ON GUARD.

You have to HOLD THE LINE on the seemingly insignificant little things – things that shouldn’t matter – but that do. 

3 reminders:

1) You made the goals for a reason, if you actually don’t care about them, ditch ’em. 

2) If you’re stuck, phone a friend – get over the fear

3) Small steps are better than no steps “Progress, not perfection”

While  80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by February, I wanted to give you a boost in your motivation and remind you to be vigilant, to not ignore the small moments where you could be moving towards your goals but emotion has taken you over. We all get tired, we all want to give up. The point is that you are stronger than the temporary emotion. And if you think you aren’t – revisit the reminders: 

1) You made the goals for a reason, if you actually don’t care about them, ditch ’em. 

2) If you’re stuck, phone a friend – get over the fear

3) Small steps are better than no steps “Progress, not perfection”

I would love to connect about your next steps – email me at gentlereminderspodcast@gmail.com and share this podcast with one friend that you think needs to hear it. You know you’re not alone in feeling this way.

Next episode is going to be centred on money – the end of January and early February is a stressful time around money so let’s talk about it!

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