Waste Reduction: Marchin’ on March

Marchin' on - we've gained momentum in the fight against dumping food in the landfill. In March, we were aiming to stay on track with our food waste. We needed to stay at or under 5.6 kg (12 lbs). That's a bowling ball! Link to source In March, we (I feel) squeaked by. Our food waste was 5.01 kg (11 lbs). As much as a HUGE Nutella jar! I feel we can do better. I think we can cut this down by 10%...

February’s Money Moment

I've always struggled a bit with money. I've swung between being a spender or a saver. Finding balance and staying in budget with certain items has been an incredible struggle for me. Food is my big budget-buster. I love eating garbage food when I'm stressed. I love the convenience, I love the saltiness, the sweetness. I'm addicted. Have been forever. This year, I'm trying to get through that....

Waste Reduction – Fabulous February

How much work is it to reduce food waste? After two months of working to reduce our food waste, I'm proud to say - Not that hard. It takes planning, willingness to eat more at home and being honest about what you will eat. In January, our total was 11.029 kilograms. 24.314 pounds. That's equivalent to a dachshund! Not nearly as cute though! Photo Credit In February, we were aiming to waste 15%...
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