Waste Reduction: May!

Month five of our efforts to reduce food waste and since the weather has started warming up, it was time to start my new composters! What an absolute difference that has made. We crushed the 10% less goal from April.

I consider food waste to be food that goes in the trash bin, not what goes in the compost, since it will be reused over and over as dirt in my gardens. Starting the composter has significantly reduced the amount of food waste that has gone in the garbage. As a lover of spreadsheets, let me share my nerdy graph with you:

In April, our food waste was 5.165 kg (11 lbs). Since I’ve already used the fun Nutella reference, our food waste could also be equated to a cat.

We love our kitties 🙂

I feel we can do a smidgen better. I think we can cut this down by 10% in May. How?

  1. Eating convenience food a bit less. We’re not great with total restriction.
  2. Meal planning more for portion sizes and not guessing what we’re preparing.
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